Mirette on the High Wire
Our title this week. Now I'm noticing Canaan settling down in a pattern of "I don't like that book." (He's kind of picky like me.) Instead he'll pick his own book and have me read it for days on end. We squeezed a few lessons from this book. Tight-rope walking of course. And a math lesson of drawing lines with a straight ruler. Their tight-rope walkers were cute I must admit. But the biggest lesson of all was for me and the story of "The Great Blondin", whom the story is based upon. He crossed the Niagra Falls on a rope with his manager on his back, cooked an omelet in the middle and pushed a wheelbarrow across the falls. When asking the audience if they believed he could do all 3 they yelled "yes!". But when asked if one would ride in the wheelbarrow, no one responded. How I am like that with my life, not having the faith to get in and trust God to be in control.