Little Projects
I actually organized the kids' High Five magazines in a huge binder and they stumbled upon this bird feeder activity. We hung them in the front Japanese Magnolia tree, but the rain washed off all of the feed. Oh well, we had fun making them. I found a fabulous book, The Usborne Art Treasury, at the library and we have been doing fun art projects from it.
We are excited about summer. They signed up for the summer reading book club. Ruth's dance recital is almost here. (and we're both ready for a break from dance classes) We have signed up for swimming lessons this June at Riverside swim club down the street. They have VBS in June at our church, and I will volunteer wherever needed. Big brother Peyton will be with us the last week of May so I'm sure we will have fun outings here and there with him. We are still undecided about summer vacation. We will definitely make our annual trip to Toledo Bend. I thought of signing the kids up with art lessons but we'll be busy enough with swimming and whatever else you do in summer.