This week has been stressful in every sense of the word. From the baby crying ALOT to having an extra child in the house full time (Peyton is with us for summer school) to Canaan's defiance and Ruth's sassiness I am not sure how much more I can handle. We also have a very busy week scheduled with Ruth's dance recital practices, summer school and swimming lessons. Mixed with all of this and trying to keep the house in order with 6 people comes the sinking thought of
"How am I going to homeschool? How am I going to keep the children in submission to my authority? How am I going to get all of the housework done? Will I lose my mind?" It is a juggle. Cleaning, breaking up fights, training them to do good, cooking, laundry, feeding the baby, trying to fall back asleep after being awakened in the middle of the night...and it's only Tuesday morning. I know many mothers can relate and as I reread this post all I can do is take a deep breath, call on the Lord for His bountiful grace and strength, and count my many blessings.
I often feel how an i going to do this (teach) God tells me Trust me and i will do it through you.