Today's Menu
On the home school menu today we played the ABC card game (which was in my curriculum and also in Montessori Read and Write). I took a stack of index cards and wrote the capital and lower-case letter on each card and cut them in half. They had to match the baby letter with the mama letter. We also played a fun game in science having to do with the 5 senses (which we have been studying for a month & are now complete). We also began making our journals for nature study which I will show in an upcoming post. Our curriculum pushes making books which I absolutely love. I learned how to make books a long time ago in WA and used to make my own journals...after all these years I get to use my skills again!
For dessert...chocolate chip cookies! The twins made cookies for a family who just had their 9th child! We figured instead of buying baby stuff, why not give the older kids a treat? And some treats for the mama as well (lavendar soap and Mother's Milk tea).