
One thing that Living Books Curriculum pushes is Storytelling. This week we made these puppets and read from Best Loved Folktales of the World by Joanna Cole...a wonderful collection of stories. However, the twins did not use their puppets to retell the story but decided to draw a picture on our dry erase board instead. We had been using the dry erase board to play Guess that Number game, where they write a number and we guess what it is...a fun way to practice writing their numbers.
What else did we do this week? The twins had art class with "Uncle T", something they really look forward to attending. They go every 3 weeks. In science, we completed studying the body and made Body Books. We studied about Grasslands in Geography and pitch in music...reading our favorite poems in different pitches. We have not been doing Nature Study, but maybe with the change of weather we will start that up again. We have been playing phonics games and I am tempted to buy a phonics program from Veritas Press.
Canaan went to other homeschooler homes on Monday (Wendy) and Tuesday (Marissa) since I needed a break, and he did wonderful. I am ready to Co-op! This is alot of work. Anyway, I had one on one time with Ruth and she did great alone. She is doing an excellent job writing her letters in proper form without instruction. I wonder how long until she is reading. She knows all of her sounds. I am not sure what to do next, hence my wanting a phonics program to guide us along.
