Oh Christmas Tree
It seems like I waited FOREVER for cool weather, and now it's finally here and it's almost Christmas! It definately snuck up on me this year. I'm trying to recall all of the favorite things I did to celebrate the season when I was young and start holiday traditions with my own children.
The day after Thanksgiving we went to Vincent's Tree Farm in Kaplan and cut our tree down. Yesterday they each purchased a Christmas ornament to hang on the tree. Every year they get one to add to their collection, so that when they are older I can send them off with a box for their own tree.
Today for art we made string ornaments with embroidery thread, watered glue and glitter. They actually came out okay. I honestly want to ditch the school thing this month and just create a winter wonderland here, baking and crafting. I think I just might. Another beauty of homeschooling!