Busy Bee

I don't know how on earth I have time to homeschool. We're doing nothing related to school right now and I already don't sit still...at all! I easily become overwhelmed at the thought of adding in another huge responsibility and commitment. So I am currently trying to focus on the present moment...enjoying summer, doing fun stuff we normally don't do, having "me" time and taking deep breaths, very deep breaths. Sometimes I wonder if maybe I haven't chosen the right curriculum for us. Maybe too much busy work and not focusing on the things that really matter. I love Living Books b/c it is so well rounded and I want them to have an appreciation for art and music and living literature, but this might be our last year with it. We'll see how it goes. At any rate I can vouch that today was slow...gardening, teaching Ruth to sew, visiting with friends at the farmer's market. Yeah for down days! Need to have more of them.


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