Nan Nan's

Regardless of whether people coin my sister and I nuts for co-oping our kids for school, we are trying it out nonetheless. Yes, she has 5 kids that are 6 years and under. Yes, she has 5 month old twins. Yes, she is solely breastfeeding them. And of course yes, she has moments of insanity. Don't we all? But we are moving forward and it has been fine so far. Katy is focusing on math with them on Thursdays (they still complete math at home 4 days/wk.), and I love her different approach she takes with them. She has a very laid-back personality entirely different than mine, and I love that my kids can experience that in a teacher. This picture shows them completing some lessons with sidewalk chalk outside.


Yvette Burleigh said…
Lauren I think that's an awesome idea. Nothing wrong with sharing like that... plus you get sister time and bonding, etc... the children look so cute on the sidewalk. Awesome idea! Keep letting God lead you no matter what others think. Happy homeschooling!
Anonymous said…
Times like these make the best memories!
CundiffCrew said…
Lauren, I have NEVER known you to be anything but calm & laid back!SO, it was funny hearing you say that! (:

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