A Shift in Temp
I think the temperature might have gone down 5 or 10 degrees over the past couple of weeks. We definitely notice it over here. Instead of 99 degrees maybe it's 90...who knows. It's enough to get us outside! After working in the gardens planting crops for fall/winter, the kids created their own outdoor kitchens. Ruth took on a food show of sorts detailing her every move on how to chop herbs, weeds and flowers. (If we could create our own homeschool curriculum, it'd all center around the kitchen.) Today they were mixing compost, water and flowers to make "soup". I love it! They help a lot in our kitchen, but I love to see them outside chopping herbs, lemon grass and who knows what else to make their very own "gumbo". Now if only we could get rid of those mosquitos I might stay outside all day!