Homeschooling with a Toddler

One of our challenges during school is having a 2 year old. Very near us. On the top of the girls' closet I have tons of games, learning activities and some toys. Every morning I grab a few items and place them in the living room with us to occupy her while we begin our lessons. Here's what one morning recently looked like: Grace had a pile of plastic dinosaurs, toddler books and an ABC fishing game. We sat on the other side of the rug discussing the calendar. All 3 of her activities lasted an entire 3 minutes and then she eventually was sitting on my lap talking in her cute toddler language while I was trying to teach them sight words. She migrated to their side and attempted to "read" the cards I was showing them. She seriously wants to be doing exactly what we are doing. Of course. Table time finds her coloring for a couple of minutes and eating a snack. Then finally I surrender and ask her, "Would you like to watch a video?" So I have been trying to find somewhat educational toddler videos at the library to ease my guilty conscious of placing her in front of the TV again. All in all, she's an easy child to have around and we all adore her to death. So if I can remain calm with all of her interruptions and needs and the twins can stay focused I am not complaining. It could be worse.


Anonymous said…
Yes, it could be worse. I have a one year old. He just wants to be part of everything. And by part of everything I mean literally ON TOP of what ever his older brother is doing. LOL

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