Here's an update on the kiddos:
Canaan's playing T-ball and really loving his games. They both did 6 weeks of roller skating with their cousins, the Smiths, and had so much fun! Ruth is enjoying her new neighborhood girlfriends, Julia and Megan, and completes her work fast so she can play with them.

The kids have gone to the nature station a couple of times this spring where they were able to hold the king snake there. Ruth has been practicing her dance for the upcoming June recital. Gracie is their shadow doing whatever they do, i.e. pulling out "workbooks" and coloring while they do school, following them on her Big Wheels while they ride bikes through the ditches, or wearing ballet shoes and dancing with Ruth.
School is going at a nice pace. We take days off when needed and I don't feel as pressured (right now) for them to catch up with their average age group. Ruth's reading has progressed very well and Canaan is writing a little bit more without such a fight. Hey, that's all the progress I need!