Almost Done

I guess spring's over and summer's here.  The heat index was 99 degrees today, I think.  We have a few weeks left of school and I'm so ready for it to be over!  Ready to stop driving Peyton to school 50 miles away, ready to be done schooling the younger kids, ready to be done with lesson planning (if you wanna call it that).  I was going to do a neat looking Geography course with the kids this summer; but honestly, I just want to relax and have fun!

God has really impressed on my heart that I need to focus on training my kids, beginning with obedience and respect.  So I'm trying to be more consistent.  For starters, I made an incentive chart for finishing chores without me nagging and by a certain time.  We also made a schedule for school...don't know why I never did that before.  I mean a specific time schedule giving each subject a certain amount of time.  I like it!  Don't know how long it'll last; but for now it's great.  We're beginning at 8:30 and ending around 11am.  When we're home in the afternoons, which isn't too often, we have assigned reading/comprehension and science.  Two more weeks left of piano and a month left of ballet.  I can't wait!


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