Creative Weekend
This weekend we had a freeze. All of my potato leaves died. If only I had put that straw down earlier. We worked outside all day Saturday. Brrr...The crew came and dug beds outside of the garden fence and planted the knock out roses along back. They mulched the Live Oak out back and set up the vent for Chap's glassblowing. Marty finished painting the pergola. I worked in the garden pruning back herbs, adding soil and putting straw down for strawberries and potatoes. Today was much warmer. I planted tomatoes and peppers.
The highlight of the Gary's right now though isn't the garden. It's the up and running glass shop! Canaan is hooked. He woke up in the middle of the night crying because his eye hurt (flash burn?). He was googling (however you spell that) it this a.m. He made a pendant today.
We went to the park to meet the Aillets and Bunkers. Ruth found some clams. They built a fire and she cooked them. But she said they tasted gross. "And I had tended that fire like I hadn't tended a fire before!"