Be the Right Kind of Fool

It's that time of year to focus on gratitude and thankfulness. To count our blessings and focus on what we have rather than on what we long for.  Let's take a second to remember where we came from because that is what REALLY creates a humble attitude of gratefulness.

I got up way too early this morning.  4 a.m. early.  Moms are always on duty, right?  Don't think just because your babies are grown they won't wake you up at all hours.  Oh, they will do it!  But I'm GRATEFUL because that was the Lord wooing me to spend quiet time with him.  (I'm trying to change my perspective here. Pat on the back.)  Anyway, morning devotionals are sweet.  No, they don't always happen, but I won't beat myself up over that. Anyway, here's what God shared with me this morning as I read Psalm 107, beginning with verse 17.

"Fools, because of their transgression, And because of their iniquities, were afflicted..." Stop.  Stop right at that first word.  Fools.  How many times do you come across that word in your reading of the bible?  And what do you think of when you read that word?  Seriously, take a minute to think about it!  Do you think,  "I'm not a fool."  Or even show praise and think,   "Thank God I'm not a fool."  They're the enemies?  We are the wise ones? Stay away from the fools?  I'll admit that these are some of the thoughts that I've had from time to time.  Woe to us who think we've arrived.  Yucky legalism at its best.  (God, forgive me!!!)

How about this perspective:  We were fools!!!  Sometimes, we still act like fools!!!  Do you sometimes make selfish decisions, speak harshly or ignore a need God has placed before you? Let us not forget where we came from, and that are struggles in this world make us rely on someone much greater than us!  In our complete weakness, He is strong and can work for the good of His purpose.  Not our purpose.

"Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, And He saved them out of their distresses.  He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions."  What a great God we serve.  Verse 1 of this chapter reads "For His mercy endures forever".  In his undeserving mercy, He stoops down to save us out of our distress as we sincerely cry out to Him.  He sends His word and heals and delivers!  My God heard my cry, sent His word, healed me and delivered me from my destruction.  And His entire will is to continue doing that for others.  I am eternally GRATEFUL for that!!

God, help us to keep the perspective that we are fools without you! Help us to be fools for you in the sense that we are unashamed of you and the gospel! Thank you for creating a WAY to you; salvation through your son, Jesus!


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