5 Things this Week
Here's what is happening on the Gary homestead this week in January!
1. My sister had her baby girl! She delivered a beautiful 9 lb 6 oz baby 3 weeks early! The baby was in the NICU for a week, so that involved me not really being able to hold her (boo); but I did get to keep her other cute and adorable 6 children (yeah). I had all of them a couple of times, and I actually kept her only brunette child, Lydia, for the entire week. She has to be the easiest because she doesn't talk and doesn't eat anything. I am proud of my sister. She struggles sometimes with homeschooling all of these kiddos and maintaining her diabetes, but she's raising some extremely creative, sweet kids. I am grateful to have such a close relationship with her and even more thankful that they live near me! She is my favorite person on earth (Can I say that even though I have a husband and kids?). I don't know what I'd do without her.
2. Luckily the weather was great this week for having so many kids over. I let them off of school one day and worked in the garden. This garden. I'm actually disappointed in my garden this winter. That's a first. The soil is not really that great, so things just aren't growing well. The organic fertilizer (fish meal) we're using is not kicking it. We also use Bat guano and other organics, plus compost. I need to give it more attention. What's ready for harvest now is lettuce, carrots, beets and spinach. I have a 2nd crop of broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage growing. I'll be posting our favorite way to cook broccoli over here. My kids fight over the last bites in the pot for that recipe.
3. I fried chicken for the first time in my life! Not to toot my own horn but this chicken was 'Slap ya mama' the best chicken I've ever had!! For my 41st birthday last week, Canaan gave me Cooking Like a Master Chef by Graham Elliot (we love watching Master Chef over here). This recipe is Kung Pao Drumsticks with Ginger Honey and Toasted Peanuts on pg. 130. I used slivered almonds instead of peanuts. We also made the Coconut Rice that is in the book too. That along with our famous kale salad recipe that, yes, the kids fought over! They love the raw kale salad. I used the almond honey goo on my kale too.

4. I don't know if it's because I've been studying the book of Ecclesiastes or if it's because I'm 41, but I'm suddenly under the intense awareness that time is ticking! Every time I go to the gym I listen to Mark Driscoll's sermons on Ecclesiastes. I finally finished the 18th sermon this week! It all was so incredibly great. I highly recommend men and women alike to listen to them. My pastor just preached along the same line from the book of James that our life is a vapour. God has work for us to do and it is time to get busy. I recently shared at a lady's event the impression God has left on my heart that it's time for the church to wake up, get up and use the gifts He's given us to begin serving him. I feel empowered and ready to do just that!
5. Now this pic above is from years ago, but I might be able to still kick my leg up there!
One of the best things happening over here is starting business with my great buddies, Courtney Aillet (pic above) and Paige Hamilton! Courtney and I have been friends for 15 years. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined working together to sell awesome products and empower women to fulfill their dreams. Paige is a dear friend who is an excellent writer. She is currently writing a book to encourage women with PCOS and blogs at Hormonally Speaking. We both have dreams to professionally blog and generate an income while encouraging women! I was able to meet with both of these great women this week to share and generate ideas. We have lots of great things starting!
What's going on this week in your life? Seriously, I'd love to know!
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