Brocoli Your Kids will Fight Over

Serving a green vegetable that your 4 kids will inhale in minutes and ask for more is a victory I never deemed possible.  

Seriously, my kids will fight over who gets to eat the remains of this broccoli dish.  I honestly cannot take the credit for this SIMPLE recipe.  My 11-year old son figured it out. Rather than just giving you the recipe, let's take a walk out to my garden and harvest the veggie first.

Welcome to my Potager, aka kitchen garden.  Here we grow the finest veggies in the south.  Except when mom and pop haven't added compost to the soil.  Oops!  Things are looking a little stunted this winter.  I'll ignore that, as well as the weeds.  Let's find the broccoli.

I usually plant in rotations so that we always have broccoli growing in winter.  Because Louisiana winters are so sporadic in temperature, I sometimes have to harvest all of the broccoli at once.  When that's the case, I blanch it, then place it in an ice bath and finally freeze it.   Aha! These broccoli heads will do.

What else do we need besides broccoli? Lemons and butter.  That's it.  (I told you this was simple. I'm a homeschool mom. I need simple.) The secret is in the lemons.  Make sure you have a full, juicy lemon.  We prefer Meyer lemons.  If your lemon is small, use a couple more.  You also need the most important tool ever...

The zester!!!  (Excuse the lime.  Someone zested a lime during this process.)  If you don't have a zester, please stop right now and get one.  Check out a good one here.  I tried many years to do without this simple, efficient tool.  Take my advice, the kitchen needs this one!

So from farm to table, here's the recipe!


  • 1 Meyer lemon squeezed and zested (1/4 cup lemon juice)
  • 3 heads of broccoli
  • 6-7 tablespoons of butter melted
  • salt and pepper to taste

  1.  Cut broccoli into small pieces and steam until bright green and soft.  
  2.  In large bowl, toss broccoli with melted butter and lemon juice.
  3.  Sprinkle with lemon zest and a dash of salt and pepper. 
The magic lies in the amount of lemon juice and butter used.  Adjust recipe as needed.

Enjoy & thanks for stopping by! 

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